Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF)

Many of you know that in 2013, Ardy Germann passed away from Multiple Myeloma Cancer. Since her diagnosis, Peter and his family have honored his late wife’s memory by fundraising and participating in the Annual MMRF Walk. Since 2012, the Ardy Germann Team has raised over $153,000 for MMRF’s research program. In 2023, the Ardy Germann Team was highlighted as the Twin Cities Spirit of Hope Honoree. The Spirit of Hope is given to “individuals/groups who inspire hope and show extraordinary commitment to the MMRF”. In September of 2023, we were able to exceed our goal of $30,000, with another $5,000 pledged. Our goal for 2024 is to raise $50,000, with the hope that we can exceed that goal as well. To donate to the Ardy Germann Team for the MMRF September 2024 Walk/Run, visit this page.

We look forward to increasing our impact with this group!