During a recent coffee chat with one of the executives I am coaching, we were engaged in a thoughtful conversation about what they do to give back as a team during the holidays. They had quite a few new members added to their team, and wanted to make sure their generosity reflected the values of the collective team. While I personally took part in fundraising this year it is clear to me that we should give back in ways that reflect your values and the values of the team. These considerations led us to delve into the strategies that allow your team’s generosity to authentically mirror its values. We explored how drawing a meaningful connection between generosity and team values can enhance the impact you choose to make this holiday season.
We discussed having open dialogues. Fostering an environment where people feel like they can share their values and beliefs is important. Beginning, allowing, and listening to these open dialogues about what matters most to each individual within the team will unveil shared values that can serve as a foundation for collective acts of generosity.
We discussed identifying common values. Look for common themes and values that emerge from team discussions. Your team may have more values in common than you think. It is also a good idea to ask team members what charitable causes are important to them. These common values will serve as a guide when deciding on charitable initiatives that reflect the collective spirit of your team.
We discussed aligning generosity with team goals, mission, and vision. Connect the dots between your team’s professional goals and the impact it can have on the community. Your organization’s mission and vision statement should also connect with how you choose to give back as a team.
By initiating open dialogues, identifying common values, and aligning generosity with team goals, you have all the tools you need to incorporate all of your team and organizational values into giving back. No matter how or where you are contributing to a cause, the act of giving should be a direct expression of the principles that matter most to your team. This ensures that your generosity will reflect your team values.
Thank you for a wonderful past year. May your holiday season be merry and bright, and wishing you blessings into 2024.